Lithovit® Corn

Balanced combination of macro- and micronutrients supports metabolism and grain formation.

Our environmentally friendly foliar fertilizer / biostimulant optimizes the metabolism and grain formation of your corn plants with its balanced combination of macro- and micronutrients.

What makes Lithovit® so special: With our own special high-tech grinding process, we process selected dolomite into microfine particles. It forms the basis for all our natural leaf fertilizers / biostimulants. Finely sprayed onto the leaf surfaces, Lithovit® is directly absorbed and causes a significant increase of theCO2 concentration in the leaf as well as on its surface due to the carbonate reaction. In addition, silicon, magnesium and the trace elements contribute to optimal plant growth.


  • 33.0 % CaCO3 Calcium carbonate
  • 18.5 % CaO Calcium oxide
  • 4.0 % MgO Magnesium oxide
  • 0,5 % Fe Iron
  • 0.1 % Mn Manganese

Additional macronutrients
  • 6.0 % N Total nitrogen
  • 6.0 % K2O potassium oxide
  • 4.5 % P2O5  Phosphate
  • 5.0 % S Sulfur

Additional micronutrients and excipients
  • 10.0 %  SiO2 Silicon dioxide
  • 0.2 % Zn Zinc
  • 0.1 % Cu Copper
  • 0.05 % B Boron
  • 0.005 % Molybdenum

Use as foliar fertilizer / biostimulant in arable and grassland, forestry and horticulture.

Harmless to humans and animals, not hazardous to water.

Your advantages with Lithovit

+ Höhere Photosyntheserate und verminderter Wasserverbrauch
+ Gesteigerte Ernteerträge, Qualität und Lagerfähigkeit
+ Beschleunigter Wuchs und intensivere Grünfärbung
+ Erhöhte Toleranz gegenüber Frost und Trockenheit
+ Stärkere Widerstandskraft und Vitalität, besonders bei physiologischem Stress
+ Verbesserte Stoffwechselaktivitäten und Versorgung der Pflanzen mit wichtigen Spurenelementen
+ Absicherung gegenüber Mindererträgen
+ 100 % Made in Germany: Wir entwickeln und produzieren alle unsere Lithovit®-Produkte in Deutschland.
+ Nachhaltig, umweltfreundlich: Alle Lithovit® Biostimulanzien & Blattdünger bestehen aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und sind größtenteils geeignet für den ökologischen Landbau gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2018/848 – European Community.
+ Hochkonzentriertes Pulver als 0,5 %ige Suspension


Lithovit® Corn can be applied one or more times, at least two weeks apart, separately or together with a Pflanzenschutzmaßnahme.

Minimum dosage
1 kg/ha as 0.5% suspension (0.5 kg Lithovit® per 100 l water) with pH between 6 and 10. Suitable for any agricultural Pflanzenschutz sprayer with agitator or commercial garden sprayer. Wetting agents increase efficacy and reduce sprayflecks.

Do not overdose.
Store in a dry and closed place.