Hemos desarrollado los abonos foliares a base de Lithovit® Standard específicamente para la aplicación de determinados cultivos. Por ejemplo, para el maíz, la fruta, el vino o el lúpulo, aporta todos los nutrientes importantes con una fertilización de base adaptada y garantiza así un rendimiento aún mayor y mejor de los cultivos gracias a este aporte óptimo de macroelementos y oligoelementos.
Qué hace que Lithovit® sea tan especial: Con nuestro proceso de molienda sin contacto, transformamos la dolomita seleccionada en partículas microfinas. Constituye la base de todos nuestros bioestimulantes naturales y fertilizantes foliares. Finamente pulverizado sobre la superficie de las hojas, Lithovit® se absorbe directamente y provoca un aumento significativo de la reacción CO2 – a través de la reacción de carbonato.
This eco-friendly foliar fertilizer additionally contains all necessary
micro- and macro elements for formation and
development of your fruit cultures.
The balanced combination of micro- and macronutrients supports metabolism and grain formation.
The balanced combination of micro- and macronutrients supports metabolism and grain formation.
This product from the Special range has been specially developed for optimal rice cultivation.
Contains additional macronutrients for the optimal development of your hop culture.
Provides your coffee plant optimally with all macro elements and micronutrients such as zinc, boron and iron. In addition, the silicates contained improve the defenses against numerous diseases of coffee crops.
This product from our Special range is particularly suitable for tropical soils. It takes into account the increased zinc and boron requirements of all cocoa varieties.
This product from our Special range is particularly suitable for tropical soils. It takes into account the increased zinc and boron requirements of all cocoa varieties.
Contains all the necessary micro and macronutrients for the optimal leaf development of your tobacco plants.
Optimizes the metabolism and fruit formation and development of your vines.
Optimizes the metabolism and fruit formation and development of your vines.
With its balanced combination of macro and micronutrients, it optimizes the metabolism and tuber formation and development of your potato crops.
The balanced combination of micro and macronutrients supports the metabolism and grain formation of your cereal crops.
The balanced combination of micro and macronutrients supports the metabolism and grain formation of your cereal crops.
We are happy to develop and manufacture your individual foliar fertilizer, according to your needs.